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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Weekly update 08.03.24

What a fantastic week!

Another super week in Year 3! We were so impressed with the amazing costumes for World Book Day.

Thank you so much for all your hard work at home in creating such creative costumes. The children looked amazing in our parade.

We also popped into Year 6 and read with them, and they all commented on how fantastic we looked!

Trip to Kent Life

This Friday Year 3 took a trip to Kent Life to learn about the Romans.

Please ask them about: 

-What Romans liked to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

-How Romans built roads, and how they kept them so straight.

-Who Boudicca was, what she did and what happened to her.

If your ears are up to it, ask the children to show you their best Celtic warrior impressions and chants! 


- Children can now wear their PE kit to school on a Monday and Tuesday - please see Miss Arthur's recent letter about uniform for more information.

- Red and Yellow class have swimming on a Monday.

- Tuesday is PE day.

- Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct school uniform.

-Wed 14th March is Upton Cross Country. PLease wear PE kit this day.

- Fri 16th March is Red Nose Day. It is 'wear it red' day, in exchange for a £1 dontation to Comic Relief.

Kindness cup:

Every week a child from each class will be awarded the kindness cup - a special trophy that sits on their desk for the whole week. A child is either chosen by their teacher or nominated by their peers for displaying kindness that week. 

The winners for this week will be announced on Monday!


In English this week, we created character descriptions of the savage Celtic warriors and compared to the terrifying Roman legionaries.

Next week, we will write as our main character, Marcus, describing his time staying with his Celtic captors.


This week, we finished up our current work on time, calculating durations.

Next week, we jump into fractions, looking first at identifying and describing unit fractions (1/2, 1/3, ¼ etc)

Thematic Curriculum

This week we explored the failed and then successful Roman invasion of England, creating sketch maps detailing the key local areas. We also learnt why the Romans created roads throughout their empire and shared the story of Boudicca’s rebellion.

Next week, we will continue our work on Boudicca and learn about Hadrian’s wall.




- Please read with your child at least 3 times a week.

- Children have now been given their log-in details for Times Table Rock Stars. They should be playing this at least 3 times a week to build their confidence and fluency with times table knowledge.

- Children have been given a ZPD to help them identify the correct books for their reading level. Once your child has read their book, they will need to complete a quiz on it before getting a new one. These quizzes can be done either in school or at home on Accelerated Reader using the log-in codes found in their reading records.

Welcome ( 

- Spelling shed homework has also been set for the children to complete by next Friday.

- Please see the homework menu attached for our thematic homework.


Have a great weekend!

Year 3 team

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393