Weekly News and Looking Ahead
Week 2 in Year 4
This week, despite the unpredictable weather, we made it out for a walk around Broadstairs to kick off our Beautiful Broadstairs topic and we have now completed the Multiplication Tables Check! The teachers are all incredibly proud of the children for their attitude and effort with this and we would like to thank you for your support. We will share individual results after we receive the data.
We have been exploring money and then some of us have moved on to time this week.
This week we started reading our text, The Boy At The Back of The Class and explored the author's inspirational character descriptions. Next week, we will learn about and create a fact file on Syria, the home of the main character.
Afternoon Thematic Curriculum
Our Beautiful Broadstairs topic has started with a focus on local geography and an introduction to counties. Next week, we will create a map of the route from Upton to Viking Bay, including key local landmarks.
Home Learning:
Create a fact file on a county of your choice. Can you include key cities, places of interest and a map showing its location?
Coming up:
Please find this terms' KIRFs and a document showing the coverage for Term 6 in Year 4 attached.