Upcoming Personal Development Learning in Term 2!
Next term, our Personal Development curriculum will focus on equality, diversity and inclusion within relationships. This learning will take place as part of our Personal Development Week during the first week back of Term Two (beginning on Tuesday 31st October).
In line with government guidance, we shall be teaching children about the Protected Characteristics. Protected Characteristics are not allowed to be the subject of discrimination. Each year group will focus specifically on three Protected Characteristics:
Year 3: pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief
Year 4: age, race, religion and belief
Year 5: age, disability, religion and belief
Year 6: disability, sexual orientation and religion and belief
This will be a fantastic week of learning in which the children will learn about human rights and the incredible fact that people around the world are all different, diverse and unique!
The following objectives will be taught during this week:
Year 3:
To recognise different types of relationships
To understand civil partnerships and marriages