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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

6P's Persuasive Power

This week, year 6 have been learning more about climate change and the devastating impact this is having on our planet. We have researched up to date statistics on the changes we are facing and listened to world leaders and their opinions on the topic. We have developed our persuasive writing to write to former President Trump, a noted climate change sceptic, to try to make him see our point of view and to persuade him to help his country to change. Overall, the letters were fantastic, here are two wonderful examples from our class. 

Dear President Trump,

This is a dangerous time for us people. Right now, we are facing climate change. The younger children will not have the rest of their lives the way they thought it would be because of the devastation. The atmosphere is like a blanket covering the world, the damage by pollution is creating a thicker layer. 

By the Earth getting hotter, it is making the sea levels rise and because they are rising, it means that there are going to be a lot of floods to lots of countries. You are the most powerful person in the world and that is a very big role to play, and because you're important, you need to make the changes, the ones that make an impact. For example, stop burning fossil fuels, stop releasing greenhouse gases and more. If you do that, you will be the world's hero and my hero. The ice bergs are also melting, so make a change, please, the world is dying and we will go with it.

If we don't stop, then the temperature will go up 1oC higher. That might not sounds like a lot, but trust me it is. The waters will dry up and the crops will die. If you have a family, how would you feel if there is no food or water? If you don't stop it, the countries will become deserts and there will be no animals for food. 

I want the planet to be safe, I will do anything I can to get you to stop global warming. I may not have the life I wanted, neither will your children. You will make this choice, make the choice count. Please be my hero. 

Yours sincerely, 



Dear President Trump, 

I am writing to you in the sincere hope that I may be able to redirect your thoughts and views over climate change. I certainly believe that we can avoid a critical disaster that will affect all life on Earth and most of that fate is in your capable hands. Boris Johnson (the prime minister who is already started to make sweeping changes) is making his country less likely to be the cause of climate change. Surely you're better than Boris Johnson? Surely you would care about your country and try reversing the effects of this devastating problem!

All over the world around us, the climate is getting more and more unpredictable; in certain countries there are tornadoes and hurricanes and in some countries droughts occur often. Your country is likely to have the same effects. Surely you wouldn't let this happen to your country and your people? The summers are hotter; the winters more harsh. This new year at school, I see most pupils wearing their sumer shirts!

It cannot be denied that climate change is happening; sea levels are rising 1-2mm each year and it is probable that they will rise 50-75mm in the next 50 years. The rising temperature will cause the sea ice in the polar regions to melt, involving the sea rising and floods to occur more often. If the coasts flood, sea turtles will not have nesting grounds. 

It is critical, we need to act fast; we are making life harder. It is known globally that you want to help your country, now the time has come to help the world!

Yours sincerely,


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CT10 2AH

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