Good to be Me Project 2018

Follow the link for more information.......
This term, the whole school is undertaking a project called “Good to be Me”. The children will be exploring a wide variety of learning which will include:
- What makes them an individual
- Friends and families and how they shape and support us
- Our communities
- Diversity in our communities
Fundamental to the project are mutual respect, a culture of kindness and celebration of diversity. These are important aspects for a successful school community and also carry important messages of friendship, collaboration and anti-bullying.
We are setting a special home learning task for all children:
“My Champions”
People play a huge part in our lives – shaping who we are, what we like and dislike and the way we play, eat and live. For your home learning project for ‘Good to be Me’, over the course of Term 5, we would like you to create something that tells us all about your champions. This home learning can take any form – there is no right or wrong way but you can be as creative as you like!
Please could the home learning project be returned to school by Monday 21st May.
During the last week of term 5 (week beginning 21st May) we will be celebrating International Diversity Day. On Friday 25th May, we invite parents, carers and families in to classes from 2:30pm to celebrate our project ‘exit point’. The children will be displaying and sharing all of their learning from the project – we hope you can join the celebration!