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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Term 5 Update

Click to read our Term 5 Update.....

Dear Viking Parents/Carers 

Viking Academy Trust: Term 5 Update 

I start my letter to you with a message on behalf of all of the staff across our Viking schools…and that is to let you know we miss you all and send you our very best wishes!  

Six weeks have now passed since we closed our gates and temporarily said ‘goodbye’ to life at Chilton, RAPS & Upton as we know it.  For all of us, new daily lockdown routines have been established in every home across the country, allowing families to adjust to the situation we are facing.   

For the Viking family, we have had to make changes to our usual school routine to enable us to continue to open in support of our key worker parents and most vulnerable children.  Our three schools are together at Ramsgate Arts Primary School, with staff from across Viking working in one place. 

Whilst the news this morning certainly seemed to contain a glimmer of hope for a more positive outlook for the country, the government has not yet shared a statement regarding the reopening of schools.  In terms of attempting to put a timescale on when we will resume school life as ‘normal’, I am very sorry but this is something I do not have an answer to at the moment.  Please believe me, we long to return to normal and have our children back filling our empty schools with laughter and learning!  We await the government’s announcement that it is safe to open once again for everyone – and that day will come, just not yet.   

So, for now, it is our intention to continue with arrangements as they have been for the remainder of term 5 and our virtual Viking schools… 

To confirm these arrangements are: 

  • Children of key ‘critical’ workers and our most vulnerable children have been allocated a school place.   

  • The three schools are open on one site only - at Ramsgate Arts school  

  • The majority of children and families are ‘Home Learning’ for term 5, each school will continue to share learning tasks with you.  Your child’s Head of School and Teacher will be your main points of contact if you have any questions regarding this. 

For now, I wish you and your family well.  Now more than ever, it is vital we look after our mental well-being as well as our physical health.  That said, we have updated our websites with resources for the whole family to access, please take the time to look! Information regarding Free School Meals applications (which will entitle you to the national voucher scheme), as well as links to local Food Banks, are also on the websites as well as regular updates from staff.   

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require our support.  Keep yourself, your friends and family safe.    

With my warmest wishes 

Michaela Lewis         

Executive Headteacher 

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393