Upton Sports Hall On Schedule for January Opening

Work is progressing well on the news sports hall project at Upton Junior School in Broadstairs.
The building in the grounds at Edge End Road will give a further boost to the acclaimed sports provision at the school – and it will be available for use by community groups too.
The structure is being assembled by innovative construction designers Modulek and it is clearly taking shape.The four 4 Modula buildings have been delivered and installed in position and work on the interior spaces is continuing. The main roof has been cladded and the rest of the buildings are currently undergoing cladding.
Michaela Lewis, Executive Head teacher of the Viking Academy Trust that includes Upton, said: “The sports hall will be a great asset to our children and to members of the community.
“The construction team is working hard and we are confident that the project will be completed by the end of January – it will be a great start to 2022 for all of those using the facility to have purpose-designed centre up and running.”
During the early stages of preparing the site centuries-old artefacts were unearthed by Kent Archaeological Project that excavated part of the land. These included musket balls, war-time bomb shrapnel, flint, pottery and coins from the 1700s onwards – and Upton pupils have been keen to use the finds as part of their history learning. The school hopes to keep some of the artefacts on site and incorporate them into pupil projects that links to the local area and the sports hall.
To monitor progress of the sports hall build, go online to Twitter: @uptonjuniors and Facebook@@uptonjuniorschoolofficialbroadstairs
Upton Junior School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Chilton Primary School and Ramsgate Arts Primary School.