Odds On Soxcess for Vital Campaign
It was an odds on winner when Upton Junior School in Broadstairs held its latest awareness campaign.
Children collectively put their best feet forward to take part in the Odd Socks Day to highlight the UK Anti-Bullying Week that runs from November 14-18.
Girls and boys across the school donned their brightest and boldest socks in a mismatched pair as the fabulous footwear made a sparkling show in classrooms and around the school backed up by the nationwide Anti-Bullying Alliance charity’s serious message – everyone is different in their own way.
The event was co-ordinated by RE and Personal Development Lead Izzy Reed. She said: “Upton was even brighter than usual as the children wore odd socks with their school uniform. This was an initiative to celebrate being unique and different - with each child wearing mismatched pairs with various patterns, images and words.
“It reflects and endorses the Dr Seuss inspirational quote that can be found on our school walls – ‘why fit in when you were born to stand out’.
“It was fantastic to see the children feeling confident to look different to their peers with their own individual socks today; it was a great conversation starter between children of different year groups around the school grounds at break and lunch time.
“As a school we recognize Anti-Bullying Week and its important message. Through our assemblies and PSHE learning this and next term, we will be teaching children about the all the issues involved with bullying and how we can prevent it or resolve it.”
Head of School Darci Arthur said: “Kindness, tolerance and respect are central to our core values and our pupils are aware of our ongoing anti-bullying message which is reaffirmed regularly.
“Our girls and boys know they have a safe and secure school in which to enjoy their learning, and if any of them need to discuss any issues including bullying they know they can speak in confidence to a member of staff immediately.
“Anti-bullying week is an excellent nationwide campaign and offers a platform for our school community to further discuss important issues.”
Upton supports the 2022 Anti-Bullying Alliance core message. It reads:
*Bullying affects millions of lives and can leave us feeling hopeless - but it doesn’t have to be this way. If we challenge it, we can change it. And it starts by reaching out.
*Whether it’s in school, at home, in the community or online, let’s reach out and show each other the support we need. Reach out to someone you trust if you need to talk. Reach out to someone you know is being bullied. Reach out and consider a new approach.
*And it doesn’t stop with young people. From teachers to parents and influencers to politicians, we all have a responsibility to help each other reach out. Together, let’s be the change we want to see. Reflect on our own behaviour, set positive examples and create kinder communities.
*It takes courage, but it can change lives. So, this Anti-Bullying Week, let’s come together and reach out to stop bullying.
For more information go online to www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk
Upton Juniors is part of the Viking Academy Trust with partner schools Chilton Primary and Ramsgate Arts Primary.
*For more information contact Head of School Darci Arthur on 01843 861393.