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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Absence Request Form (incl.Holiday requests)

Please click link below for our online Absence Request Form (including Holiday in term-time requests)

LinkAbsence Request Form (incl.Holiday requests)             

Please read below a guide for parents:

Term-time Holidays

Term-time holidays are intended for children whose parents are unable to take holiday at any other time.

Upton Junior School will consider every application individually; our policy is NOT to grant leave of absence for a holiday other than in the most exceptional circumstances. Time off school for a family holiday is not a right. An application must be made using our online request form (link above), with appropriate evidence, in advance of the intended holiday.

From April 2017 Kent Local Authority guidance advises that penalty notices will be issued for 10 or more unauthorised sessions within a 50 day period.

On receipt of the Notice the Penalty will be £120 per parent reducing to £60 if paid within 21 days. Failure to pay the penalty in full at the end of the 28 day period may result in prosecution by the attendance service. Please note, it is KCC, not the school that make the decision to issue a penalty notice and receive any fine paid.

Upton Junior School will consider authorising a holiday for (exceptional circumstances):

¨ Service personnel and other employees who are prevented from taking holidays out of term-time;

¨ When a family needs to spend time together to support each other after a crisis;

¨ Parents who are subject to a strict and non-negotiable holiday rota and evidence is provided to this effect.

Request to take a child out of school during term-time for the following reasons will not be authorised:

¨ Cheaper cost of a holiday;

¨ Availability of the desired accommodation

¨ Poor weather experienced in school holiday periods; and

¨ Overlap with beginning or end of term

Upton Junior School will respond to all requests for a leave of absence giving the reasons for the decision.

Upton Junior School will NOT authorise a holiday during periods of national tests ie: SATs examinations.

Extended leave of absence:

In considering the absence for extended trips overseas Upton Junior School will take account of the following:

¨ A visit to family overseas has a very different significance from a normal ‘holiday’;

¨ Such visits may be important in terms of children’s identity and self-esteem as they grow up;

¨ Parents may feel the reasons for their visit outweigh the importance of their child’s uninterrupted attendance at school (although parents could be encouraged to use the school holiday period for at least part of their trip);

¨ The reasons for wishing to make a visit is more difficult, particularly for minority ethnic families, where huge distances and high costs are involved.

¨ Where extended leave of absence is granted there will be an expectation that the pupil undertakes some school-set work during this period.

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393