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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Weekly update 28/1/22

This week in Year 3:

In English this week, Year 3 have been creating fantastic non-chronological reports about pirates, linked to our text 'Peter Pan'. We have worked hard on including key features such as a title, subheadings, an introduction and pictures. The children have really taken pride in their work and their reports look fabulous.


In Maths this week, we have been looking at money. Year 3 have been learning to recognise coins and notes and to add and subtract amounts of money. 

In UBBC, we have been investigating, comparing and grouping together materials that are magnetic or non-magnetic. We have also created art work using magnets to spread our paint around. We have created textures using this technique and added glitter, sequins and sand to add further textures. Finally, we have planned a magnetic maze that we are going to create next week. We thought about how to make it appealing and functional. 

Next week:

In UBBC, year 3 will be creating and evaluating their magnetic mazes. 
In Maths, we will continue to learn about money, looking at how to calculate change. We will then move on to looking at tally charts and pictograms.

In English, we will be beginning to plan and write our own fantasy stories, linked to our text 'Peter Pan'.


Key reminders and messages:

Please make sure your child has a cardboard box with them to create their magnet mazes next week. 

Please ensure your child brings a full water bottle to school with them. 

Finally, please make sure your child is wearing the correct Upton uniform including their tie and school shoes. 

Have a lovely weekend! 
The Year 3 Team 

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393