The final term is in sight and it is time to begin our exciting journey towards our 2023 Year 6 Production – ‘Lion King’. Before we begin, we would like to share with you important information about the show and auditions so that you can support your child.
The show takes place this year on the evenings of 18 th and 19th July at St Lawrence College Theatre (Taylor Hall). We are very excited to be performing at this venue again.
All Year 6 take part in the production: each class prepares two songs and two dances and takes part in the closing number. Along with this, the show has around 28 spoken parts which we need to audition for. Across term 6, children rehearse in school time. Parents will be required to provide basic costume and a letter will be coming out in a few weeks outlining the requirements (we try to keep suggestions simple and cheap).
Auditions: While in an ideal world there would be 128 speaking parts for all our Year 6 children, logistically this is not possible. Each class has a slot on the stage during the show and at the end. There are, however, 28 spoken parts that need to be auditioned for and the audition process is very simple. Any child wishing to audition takes home an audition script (one page) and must prepare by learning and practicing for all the parts on that page.
Pupils who wish to audition do so during scheduled sessions. Auditions are run by the Year 6 teachers. While we appreciate many children may be involved in outside theatre groups, to ensure fairness any speaking roles will be allocated purely on the basis of the audition on the day. It is important that children and parents both understand that auditions operate on this basis if they wish to take part.
Further practical details will follow. Thank you for your continued support. The Production is a lovely group ending to the last year for the children at Upton.
Kindest regards
The Year 6 Team.
Year 6 Production 2023 The Audition Process: The auditions will be held on Tuesday 23rd May. Children have already received the script and it is also attached below for reference. The children must prepare by learning and practicing for all the parts on that page. On the day, they will each have time to rehearse in a group before performing in front of their peers and the year 6 teachers. Teachers will allocate speaking roles purely on the basis of the audition on the day. We are very excited to be putting on the show of The Lion King this year! We will also be holding auditions for a choir on this day too – any children that would like to take part will sing in a group, ‘I just can’t wait to be king’ which can be found on the link below if they would like to practice.