20.09.24 Year 3 Weekly News

Another fabulous week in Year 3!
This week, we embraced our inner scientists and began exploring what the study of science truly involves. The children were filled with curiosity and excitement as we dove into hands-on activities and investigations. Our week began with the fascinating story of Mary Anning, the pioneering fossil hunter who made groundbreaking discoveries. The children learnt about her life and the challenges she faced as a woman in science during the 19th century.
Through a mix of storytelling and drama, the children were able to step into Mary’s shoes, re-enacting some of her famous fossil-hunting adventures. The drama session allowed them to imagine walking along the coastline, tools in hand, uncovering ancient treasures buried beneath the earth.
We also began a science investigation where the children explored and sorted different types of rocks based on their properties. Children analysed the texture, colour, and weight of various rock samples, honing their observation and classification skills. Children further developed their understanding of rocks, by exploring Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks, discussing where they might find these rocks in nature and how they form.
As we continue our journey through the fascinating world of science, next week promises to be another exciting adventure for the children. We will dive into the mysteries of the past and the processes that shape our planet today by exploring how fossils are formed and how soil is made.
This week was our Non-fiction focus week and, as such, the children took on the exciting challenge of writing a non-chronological report about the Stone Age. Combining their learning from their thematic topic, children further developed their understanding of the Stone Age, through their research of what life was like for early humans. Children developed key writing skills, by focusing on the key elements of constructing non-chronological reports, honing their ability to use bullet points and construct sentences. They likewise explored layout features that help make information clear and engaging for the reader. Both adults and children alike, are so proud of the writing produced this week-our Year 3s have really enjoyed exploring different topics and showing off their new skills in a structured and creative way.
Next week, we are diving into a new and exciting adventure with the book Stone Age Boy! This captivating story will serve as the perfect springboard for developing the children’s recount writing skills. The children will get to imagine themselves stepping back in time, just like the main character, and will be writing their own recounts based on the events of the story.
In Maths this week, the children have been working hard to develop their understanding of two key concepts: commutativity and using a number line for both addition and subtraction. These foundational skills are essential for building confidence with numbers and problem-solving, and the children have made fantastic progress as they applied their learning through engaging activities.
Next week, we will continue to expand our understanding of number sense, building on the strong foundation the children have developed so far. Number sense is all about having a flexible, intuitive understanding of numbers and being able to manipulate them, break them apart, and see the relationships between them in a variety of ways.
Author of the term reminder:
To celebrate Author of the Term with our children, our English Leaders: Miss Bunce and Miss Watkins have set the children of Upton a challenge:
Home Learning
Attached below, is the overarching Thematic Curriculum homework ideas. Please refer to the homework menu which gives a variety of creative tasks for the children to choose from. Children only need to complete one task as a minimum, but can choose to complete more if they wish. Children have been given a Home Learning book to complete their Home Learning tasks in, which they should have brought home with them.
Home Learning is due in on Friday 25th October 2024
Reading journals
Children have been given a ZPD to help them identify the correct books for their reading level. Once your child has read their book, they will need to complete a quiz on it before getting a new one. These quizzes can be done either in school or at home on Accelerated Reader using the log-in codes found in their reading records.
Welcome (renaissance-go.com)
Times Tables Rock Stars
Children should be playing TTRS at least 3 times a week to build their confidence and fluency with times table knowledge. Children’s logins will be stuck into their Reading journal.
Mathletics homework has also been set for the children to complete by next Friday.
Tasks have been linked to this week’s learning.
Children’s logins are stuck into their Reading journal.
Year 3 have PE on Tuesdays and should come to school dressed in the correct school PE kit.
3B and 3G will swim on Mondays this term- children will need to come dressed in their PE kit to school on this day, and bring with them their swimming costumes to change into.
Swimming kit reminder: full swimming costume/swim shorts and swimming hat.
Children to bring in healthy snacks for breaktimes.