22.11.24 Year 3 Weekly News
Another amazing week in Year 3!
This week in Thematic, we’ve been budding scientists, learning all about magnets. We began the week by answering the question: What are magnets and how to they behave? Children worked in small groups exploring different types of magnets and their parts, before then moving onto to investigate magnetic and non-magnetic materials. We have also spent time this week exploring magnets and their poles, and how the Earth itself acts like a magnet. The children explored compasses and how to find North.
Next week in our thematic learning, we are embarking on a journey into the fascinating world of light!
This week in English, our children have stepped into the exciting role of journalists as they wrote newspaper reports about a key event from The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. Our budding reporters wrote about one of the most dramatic points in the story: the moment when the earth shook and cracked, revealing the buried Iron Man. Our Year 3’s have spent time this week exploring the layout and language features of different newspapers, and have likewise begun planning their report, thinking about how they can answer the 5Ws for the reader and include quotations from characters who witnessed the event.
Next week, the children will move onto planning and drafting their newspaper reports.
In Maths this week, we have continued to develop and build our understanding of statistics. Children have spent time interpreting data, drawing their own bar charts, and making meaningful statements about different data sets. These skills are not just fundamental to mathematics but also highly relevant to everyday life and other areas of learning.
Next week in Maths, children will be moving onto exploring mental and written methods for addition and subtraction.
Art Competition
In this term's art competition, you will get the chance to create your own Pop Art Masterpiece inspired by our artist of the term: Roy Lichtenstein!
Using Lichtenstein's style as a guide, create a work of art that uses bright colours, bold outlines, and Ben-Day dots to show an exciting scene or object from your daily life. This could be a favourite toy, a scene at school, anything that is personal to you.
The competition starts from Monday 11th November and closes Friday 20th December. Please bring all entries to Mr Mason’s art room and be sure to include your name and class on your artwork. Winners will be announced at the beginning of term 3. Good luck!
Home Learning
Attached below, is the overarching Thematic Curriculum homework ideas. Please refer to the homework menu which gives a variety of creative tasks for the children to choose from. Children only need to complete one task as a minimum, but can choose to complete more if they wish. Children have been given a Home Learning book to complete their Home Learning tasks in- children will be bringing their Home Learning books home on Monday.
Home Learning is due in on Friday 20th December 2024
Reading Records
With AR Assessments complete, children will be given a new ZPD, which you will find in their Reading Record: ‘Term 2’ ZPD sticker. If children have not yet brought in their reading record to school, they need to make sure they bring it in. Please ensure children are reading every night and are likewise taking quizzes.
To support children with their spellings, we would like children to practise ‘Level 1- WILD WILDE Bundle’
To access it on a laptop, PC, Mac or Chromebook (therefore IWBs):
1. Type in the browser itself where you normally type www (not a search engine)...app.sirlinkalot.org (with no Ws before it)
2. Click on 'More' (top right)
3. Click on 'Sign in'
4. The children will then need to type in their access code
To find out more about Sir Linkalot, there is a parent workshop taking place on Tuesday 1st October: 3pm-4pm. We look forward to seeing you there.
Times Tables Rock Stars
Tasks to be completed online.
Children’s logins are stuck in their Reading journal.
Mathletics tasks will be set from Friday to Friday.
Tasks will always follow the learning that week.
Children’s logins are stuck into their Reading journal.
Year 3 have PE on Tuesdays and should come to school dressed in the correct school PE kit.
3R and 3Y will swim on Mondays this term- children will need to come dressed in their PE kit to school on this day, and bring with them their swimming costumes to change into.
Swimming kit reminder: full swimming costume/swim shorts and swimming hat.
Children to bring in healthy snacks for breaktimes.
Have a lovely weekend!
The Year 3 team