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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Week commencing 5.2.24

A brilliant final week of term!

TTRS Competition

This week, children took part in a TTRS competition against the other trust schools. A HUGE congratulations to our wonderful year 4's who have kept the trophy here at Upton! Thank you for all your encouragement at home too!

In Maths this week, the children continued their learning about fractions. The children learnt how to add and subtract fractions within one. After half term, the children will be finding unit and non-unit fractions of amounts and they will also be comparing fractions. 

In English, we wrote a calligram poem about volcanoes with a focus on figurative language. The children have also written their speeches for the Viking speaker competition. After half term, we will be learning about famous inventors in electricity and starting our new book!

In the afternoon, we have been learning about Buddhism. On Monday, the children learnt about Buddhist beliefs and made knowledge organisers to reflect upon their learning. On Wednesday the children attended a Buddhist workshop and learnt about temples. Today, the children learnt about the Wesak festival and why it is important to Buddhists. After half term, the children will start with a PD day focusing on risks, dangers and hazards. 

This afternoon, some of the year 4 children also carried out a 'volcano eruption!' A child made an excellent model for their homework and then shared the eruption with the class. This was a fantastic way to end our term! 

Key Messages:

Reminder to ensure children are reading at home and bringing in their reading records.

Please encourage your child to practise their times tables at home. TTRS is a great way to do this! 

Please ensure children are wearing the correct school uniform and shoes, including ties and lanyards.

Please ensure children bring in their water bottles.

As the colder weather continues, please ensure children have coats.

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393