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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 5 Weekly News - Friday 24.11.23

We have had a fabulous week in Year 5 this week. Take a look at what we have been up to…

This week's Kindness Cup winners are: 5G – Tom

We are so proud of you for showing such kindness.

Key Messages:

  • Monday is PE for all of Year 5. Please send the children in wearing their PE kit.
  • Thursday is swimming for 5R and 5Y. Please ensure that full swimming kit is brought in on that day. If your child cannot take part, please contact their teacher or the office to explain why.
  • Please ensure children are wearing correct school uniform and shoes, including a tie.
  • Please ensure children are bringing in their water bottles, preferably with a sports cap.

Weekly homework tasks: 

Reading daily – please bring in your reading record signed by an adult.

TTRS - at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes.

Spelling Shed - Friday to Friday

Mathletics – Friday to Friday

Please note, Mathletics has a different login to Spelling Shed and TTRS.

Termly Home Learning Task

This term in Year 5 we will be exploring our new topic, Stargazers. In this component of our thematic curriculum, the children will be delving into the science and history of space! We would like the children to delve further into the topic during their home learning by exploring one of these tasks. They may present their work in any way that they wish; it could be a presentation, poster, or something that they make, the possibilities are endless. This piece of work will need to be brought back into school during the last week of term. If something is physically created, please can this be brought in or a photo stuck into books so we can celebrate the children’s success! Likewise, if your child creates something digital, feel free to email this to class teachers. We can’t wait to see what is created.


In English this week we had a poetry focus. We looked at a variety of poems and had a go at performing them. We then wrote our own narrative poem and finished the week by writing a calligram (shape poem). Our poems linked to all things space, including rockets, the sun, stars, planets and astronauts.

Next week we will continue reading our class text ‘Cosmic’ and write a playscript.


This week in maths we focused on multiplication. We started the week by completing short multiplication – 4-digit numbers by a single digit. Then, we moved onto long multiplication (2-digit by 2-digit numbers). This was a bit tricker but the children tried hard to remember the steps.

Next week we will continue to work with multiplication and will be introducing division. ​

Thematic Curriculum:

This week we continued with our exploration of space by studying the moon. We found out that the moon orbits the Earth in about 27 days and the moon rotates on its axis at the same rate that it orbits the Earth. We learnt about Earthshine and made a flip book to show the phases on the moon.

We also had a visit from the Astrodome on Wednesday. It was so exciting to see all of the constellations and planets moving across the sky. The children thoroughly enjoyed the immersive experience and learnt a lot of new and fascinating facts. 

Alongside the Astrodome, the children enjoyed a visit from Mrs Reed, who led an art session that allowed the children to create their own planets using pastels. Their creations were so vivid and imaginative.

Thank you so much to our fabulous visitors! 

Next week we will be focusing on the planets of the solar system and their orbits around the Sun.

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393