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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 5 Weekly News - Friday 09.02.24

We have had a fabulous week in Year 5 this week. Take a look at what we have been up to…

This week's Kindness Cup winners are: 5B – Orlando     5G - Kayleigh     5R – Danny     5Y – All of 5Y

We are so proud of you for showing such kindness.

Key Messages:

  • Monday is PE for all of Year 5. Please send the children in wearing their PE kit.
  • Thursday is swimming for 5R and 5Y. Please ensure that full swimming kit is brought in on that day. If your child cannot take part, please contact their teacher or the office to explain why.
  • Please ensure children are wearing correct school uniform and shoes, including a tie.
  • Please ensure children are bringing in their water bottles, preferably with a sports cap.

Weekly homework tasks: 

Reading daily – please bring in your reading record signed by an adult.

TTRS - at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes.

Spelling Shed - Friday to Friday

Mathletics – Friday to Friday

Please note, Mathletics has a different login to Spelling Shed and TTRS.

***Well done to everyone who has received a certificate so far for either Mathletics or TTRS***

Termly Home Learning Task - Term 3: Marvels of Matter

This term we have been wowed by the fabulous homework that Year 5 have produced. This has ranged from cooking Anglo-Saxon foods, making shields (big and small) and pieces of writing based on fact or fiction. We have loved seeing every single piece. Thank you and well done.

Here are some more of the great projects we have received:










In English this week we finally finished our ‘Anglo-Saxon Boy’ text and found out the fate of the characters that we grew to know so well. Some parts were sad but others reflected hope. We finished the term by writing our own Anglo-Saxon quest story, basing our characters on those in the text. The quests ranged from retrieving an important family heirloom to the last will and testament of King Edward. Everyone’s story was fabulous and filled with lots of description and action.


This week in maths we began our unit on angles. This mostly focused on drawing and measuring acute and obtuse angles and using our knowledge of a full turn (360o) to draw reflex angles. We found it tricky to be precise but with practice, we improved.

Thematic Curriculum:

This week our afternoon lessons have had an RE focus. This started with a fabulous Buddhism workshop on Wednesday, where two local Buddhists visited with some important religious items and the children were able to ask questions based on the story of the Buddha and the Buddhist religion. The children finished the session with a mindfulness meditation session, which left them feeling calm and refreshed.


In addition to our Buddhism learning, we looked at states of matter, the water cycle and the effects of acid on rocks during our science session.

Finally, we would like to wish all of our Year 5 Upton families a wonderful half term full of family time and fun. We look forward to seeing the children back on Monday 19th February.

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393