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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Weekly News and Homework 06.10.23

A busy but enjoyable week in Year 6.

Year 6 Weekly News 29.09.23 

We have had a busy week in Year6, let’s see what we have been up to. 

This week’s Kindness cup Winners are: 

  • Martha - Mai

  • Stanley 

  • Lily P

  • Myles

This week’s pupil of the week are: 

-  Robyn 

-    Oscar

-   Charlie

- Luke


Key Messages: 

  • Reminder to ensure children are reading at home and bringing in their reading records. 

  • Please ensure children are wearing the correct school uniform and shoes. 

  • Please ensure children bring in their water bottles. 

  • As the colder weather begins to creep in please ensure children have coats. 

  • PE days are Wednesdays. 

  • Parents are invited in on Thursday 12th for our end of topic presentation and book look at 2.15pm 

  • Secondary Admissions meeting is being held in the hall on Monday 9th October at 5pm  


Home Learning Task:  

Attached below is the overarching Thematic Curriculum homework ideas. Please refer to the homework menu which gives a variety of creative tasks for the children to choose from. Children only need to complete one task as a minimum but can choose to complete more if they wish. Remember that this is due on Monday 9th October. 


This week children have been debating whether Dooby is a good leader or not and why. They have also thought about whether Zoe should trust Dooby and have referred to the text when giving their arguments. They needed to consider both sides of the argument and took part in a debate to get their thoughts and opinions across before writing their balanced argument.  

Next week, Year 6 will be retelling the events leading up to the escape and falling into the ocean. They will be focusing on descriptive vocabulary and will use a story mountain to organise their work.  


This week, we have moved onto to learning about short and long division.  Children used efficient strategies to support them with dividing. The year 6 team will be uploading a video to support parents at home with the long division strategy - watch this space!

 Please ensure children are accessing TTRS to learn their times tables as this underpins everything in maths. 

Next week, we will be focusing on the order of operations. We will look at BIDMAS and what this means as well as thinking of ways to help us remember the order of operations in maths.  

Thematic Curriculum: 

This week, Children have created their own investigation to look at – How many living things live in the school environment? They have explored the life cycles of a variety of species and drawn these out in their books.  Towards the end of the week, we compared what was  same and what is different between species and explored the life processes of some plants and animals. 

Next week, we are combining all our learning to present this to parents. We will be researching natural selection through the story of the peppered moth and looking at inheritance. Parents are invited in to see our presentation and look at books on Thursday 12th October at 2.15pm. 

Remember Thematic homework is due on Monday 9th October. 


Minimum 3x a week. Reading record must be signed by an adult. Can be completed on your own or with your parents. 

Spelling Shed:  

Once a week – Friday to Friday.   

Tasks will be completed online, with new tasks set every week.  

Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.  


Children have been set athletics homework, have been given their new log ins and shown the website. Please spend some time completing the first piece of homework. 

 Times Tables Rock Stars: 

Minimum 3x a week. 

Can be completed on tablets, laptops or mobile phones though the app or the website. 


We are looking forward to another fabulous week!  



Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393