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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 6 3D BFG Scene Models

Some of year 6 have created 3D Scene Models based on the BFG. We started our models with copier paper boxes, to which we added paper mache to add texture and build structures. Once this had dried we painted our scenes and added figures of the BFG and Sophie, as well as the other giants. We based our models on a particular part of the BFG story. 

Ameilia and Isobel

This model depicts the scene of the BFG talking to Sophie once he had brought her from the orphanage to Giant Country. In the background you can see his cave, including his desk and shelves of Dream Jars. 

Rosie and Kayla

This model shows The BFG and Sophie trying to get past the other giants in Giant Country. 

Chloe and Ruby

This model shows the scene where the BFG is telling Sophie about the Dream Jars. 

Freddy and James

This model shows when Sophie had just arrived in Giant Country. The BFG is telling Sophie about the other, horrible giants. They are peeking out from behind the boulder to make sure they aren't seen. 

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Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393