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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

6R Spectacular Speeches

Do you have what it takes to be a great leader? 

This week in English 6R put themselves in Dooby's (a character from our book Floodland) shoes. They imagined they had just arrived at Eels Island and they wrote a speech to persuade the islanders that they (Dooby) should be their leader. They wrote some fantastic passionate speeches, filled with persuasive language, powerful vocabulary and features of speech writing. Here are just a few examples of some excellent snippets of their writing...

Example 1

I urge you to think hard about your decision. Without me as your leader your lives could be at risk.  
It is a fact that 1 in 3 people die as they have no food or water. I would not let this happen as I am a quick thinker and I can find food and water for everyone. 

Your lives could be dark, daunting and dangerous without such a passionate leader which is me. 

Do you really think you are going to be able to survive without me as your leader? You can’t survive a day without me because I am the person that finds the things that keep you alive. It’s a decision you will be glad you made. 

Example 2

Dedication, reliability and strength. All what you can expect of me as your soon to be leader. I feel my bravery is the missing component, to steer our island away from danger! I shall use my voice to fight for our the eels. It is imperative that you vote for me to become your leader. 

I have the ability to inspire others and I also make an excellent role model. It is certain that I am determined to guide you all through the rough times and protect you from the foes. I will be the hero of you all due to my incredible talent of courage, respect and fearlessness (which many other people are not capable of). If you don’t pick me to be your leader who else will? I am meant to be and if I’m not chosen look back at all the chaos and how catastrophic it was before I arrived and, if I’m rejected it will all go back to normal again…  

Example 3

To the citizens of eels’ island, it is in my knowledge that you have no leader. And it is vital we change that. Food, teamwork and resilience are the only things we need to improve this broken island. And with me as your leader, we can change that. 

It has come to my attention, that the citizens on this island are hungry, tired and in danger. I have brought food to feed you all for as long as I possibly can. Food is vital for some people like yourselves. Food to fill your empty stomachs. I take it nobody has summed up the courage to take charge and change that. Food is a main thing that humans need to survive! I have food. Food for all of you! And when the food runs out, rations shall be had and hunting shall be done! 

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Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393