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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 5 Weekly News - 11.02.22

What a wonderful term we have had in year 5! The work they have produced has been of the highest standard, and we have undertaken so many fun activities including making spring rolls and learning traditional Chinese dances. We are so excited about the upcoming term! 


This week in English, we completed our class text – The Firework Maker’s Daughter – and produced a wonderful newspaper report linked the New Year Festival and Firework Competition which happens in the final chapter. We included a range of features including formal language, passive voice and direct and reported speech. 

In reading, we have continued our work on authorial intent and also identified the key themes within the text including friendship and equality. 

Next term, we will start our new book 'Cosmic', a great story set in space which links to our new topic. 

Please make sure children log on to Spelling Shed and read regularly at home. We should be seeing reading records at least 3 times a week!


This week, we have continued to look at fractions. The focus has been on ordering and comparing fractions linking back to the first term when using the less than, greater than and equal to symbols. We also used the knowledge we had acquired the previous week about improper and mixed number fractions and ordered and compared these as well. 

Please ensure that children are completing the MyMaths homework set and are regularly practising TTRS.


Our UBBC lessons this week have been focused on Ming vases and creating our own printing pattern to put on them. Previously, we had found out about the importance of Ming vases within Chinese culture and what they were used for. After designing our own patterns to print, we created our own printing block and then printed using traditional colours - blue and white. The outcomes were sensational! 

Next term we will start our new space themed topic: To Infinity and Beyond!'

Home Learning Information

From 2022, rockets will be launching into space from UK spaceports for the very first time. Design a logo to go on these rockets which will circle the Earth and collect data about climate change. 

Your logo needs to let people know about the satellite’s important mission of taking important measurements and collecting data that can be used to help protect our planet from climate change.

 It can be anything from a painting, drawing, collage or a design on a computer. 

Once you have completed your logo, write an explanation about why you have designed it in such a way. 


Key Messages and Information for Parents

Term 4 commences on Tuesday 22nd February. 

Swimming will be back to the usual day of Tuesday for the B's and G's. 

As we will be using the field more often at break and lunch times, it is a good idea for the children to have a spare pair of trainers in their lockers to change into to avoid trailing mud through the school.

World Book Day is on Thursday 3rd March! The theme for year 5 is The Wizard of Oz; we cannot wait to see the costumes -the adults in year 5 will be dressing up as well! 

Wednesday 2nd March is our WOW day to introduce our space topic! As children will be taking part in some physical fitness activities as part of the astronaut training, we ask that children come in to school on this day in their PE kits. However, if children have a NASA t-shirt, hoody or something similar, they can wear this on top of their PE kits. This is not however a non-uniform or dress-up day, as the following day is World Book Day,

We all hope you have a lovely half-term!

Thank you for reading!



Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393