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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 5 Weekly News - Friday 26/02/2022


A new term means a new text and this term is none other than the amazing Cosmic by Frank Cottrell Boyce. So far, we have only read the first few pages, but we are already hooked! Apparently, our main character Liam has found himself lost in space! And his parents think he was on a camping trip in the Lake District. The class have already been in fits of laughter and we thoroughly look forward to seeing where this cosmic adventure takes us.

"The stars look different from up here..." A quote from Liam which has inspired our writing this week. Using images of nebula, Year 5 have used their skills in figurative language to describe some pretty impressive images of space. We then used this writing to inspire a piece of art. 


In maths this week we have continued with out learning on adding fractions and mixed numbers and have began looking at subtracting fractions also. To be successful, we have needed to make links with other areas of our maths understanding, including linking to fractions greater than one and our understanding of equivalent fractions. 

As always, keep going with your MyMaths and your TTRS guys! This will really help with your understanding of fractions.


As it has been the first week of term, this week we have been focusing on PD (Personal Development). Our lessons have focused on diversity within families, inclusion and stereotyping. Throughout the week, children have written passionate speeches and written powerful poetry to put their thoughts and opinions on these important topics across. On Friday afternoon, we concluded the week by sharing some of these speeches and poems in the hall as a year group. It was wonderful to hear the children speak so thoughtfully and passionately about something so important. 

Next week, we start our new topic - To Infinity and Beyond!

Home Learning Information

As our new topic is To Infinity and Beyond, we would love the children to kick start the topic by getting to know the planets in our solar system. There are many mnemonics out there that help us remember the order of the 8 (used to be 9) planets within our solar system: but can you create your own one?

We would like you this week to create your own mnemonic for naming the planets and create a poster to demonstrate this. How you choose to present this is up to you and if you would also like to include any extra research information then please do!

Don't forget to also be logging in to TTRS, MyMaths and Spelling Shed!

Key Messages and Information for Parents

Next week Wednesday is our Year 5 Wow Day for To Infinity and Beyond. As part of the day, children will be taking part in some physical activities as part of their astronaut training programme, and so we ask them to wear their PE kits on this day. However, if children have any NASA or space themed t-shirts or hoodies which they would like to wear on this day, then they can wear this on top of their PE kit.

On Thursday it is World Book Day and the theme for Year 5 is The Wizard of Oz. We are inviting all children to dress as any character from the book. Dorothy? Lion? Tin man or Scarecrow? Even Toto! The choice is yours! Whilst dressing up is all part of the fun of World Book Day, we understand that some children may not want to; if this is the case, then school uniform is required - this is not a non-uniform day. 


Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393