Music News!

Oh, what a term…!
It’s been a busy second Spring Term at Upton.
We began with the choir returning to the Thanet Festival of Music, Dance and Drama on Saturday 18th March. The previous year we had won the event, but this year we missed out on the top spot by just one point, still gaining a Distinction! The children were amazing, and the event was a wonderful coming together of schools to sing. Members of our choir also attended a cheque presentation to Macmillan Cancer Care with the Thanet Male Voice Choir. This money was raised from the combined concert the children took part in at Christmas.
Then, the next big event of the term!
The annual Spring Concert. This was the second annual concert following the ‘Covid Years’ and it showed the variety and depth of talent at Upton.
Our choir kick-started the show with three songs, followed by the dynamic new Percussion Club – led by Mr Smith, from Thanet Drum Tuition. Then came some of our marvellous soloists, with songs from Frozen 2 and Little Mermaid amongst others. Next, the Ukulele club, followed by our fantastic String Group, led by Mrs Nunn from Kent Music concluded the first half.
The second half began with our Recorder club and Folk Band, followed by our instrumental soloists, including two fantastic pianists. Finally, the evening drew to a close with our Rock Band. Starting with a Beatles classic and ending with our traditional show ending - We will Rock You!
It was a fantastic night and I want to thank all those involved and our wonderful parents who supported the event. Here’s to next year!
Looking ahead.
All Music Clubs start in the second week of term after Easter.
Choir – Save the Date
Dickens' Festival, Broadstairs Bandstand – Friday 16th June – Afternoon – time to be confirmed, but children will be collected from the Bandstand rather than returning to the school.
An Idea – Upton Piano Recital!
So, I’ve had another idea for a Summer concert!
I’ve become aware of many children having piano lessons outside school and thought we could provide an opportunity for them to perform one piece to an audience.
The idea is to hold an afternoon piano recital with tea and scones (how civilised!), at some time in the last term. At the moment I need to know how many people might be interested.
If your child is learning the piano with a teacher, at whatever level, and you think they would like to take part, please contact me via email to register interest. If there is enough interest, then I will plan the event. Please encourage your child, since many only perform their pieces to an examiner or their teacher and this could provide them with the opportunity to play in front of a supportive audience!
Well, that’s all folks!
Keep visiting the Blog - there should be some music and photos from the term arriving soon!
Pete Langridge