Week 4 update

Hello October!
A brilliant week in Year 3, and who can believe we are over halfway through the first term?!
This week in Maths, we have had our final lessons on 'place value'. We consolidated our understanding of representing numbers, we learnt to compare and order numbers up to 3 digits, and we learnt to use our 5x tables to help us count in 50s.
In English, we have continued to read this term's text 'Voices in the Park'. The children have re-written one of the 'voices' in third person.
In UBBC, the children explored the school through map work, they also located different places using only an 'aerial view. Additionally, the children investigated the favourite hobbies in their class - they will put this information into a bar chart this week.
Next week:
In Maths, we will move onto 'addition and subtraction'. We will be looking at what happens when we add ones, tens and hundreds to a number, as well as developing our understanding of number bonds and related calculations.
In English, we will continue reading this term's text, 'Voices in the Park'. The children will be further developing their understanding of 'third person' as they rewrite a different section of the book.
In UBBC, the children will create a bar chart based on the data they gathered last week. Additionally, they will complete an investigation in Science.
REMINDER - Y3 have been given their home reading books and reading records. Children should be reading their books daily and should let their class teacher know when they are ready to take a quiz.
Thursday 6th October - National Poetry Day. - The children will study poetry in their classes all morning (PE will happen as usual).
Monday 10th October - Hello Yellow Day - Children are invited to dress in bright yellow for a suggested donation of £1 on Monday 10th October. All the proceeds go to Young Minds - a mental health charity that supports young people's mental health and wellbeing.