Weekly Update 21.10.22
It's the end of a long but hugely fun first term in Year 4!
In English, we have spent all week celebrating Black History Month with a focus on Martin Luther King. We studied March On! which is the story of the day of his famous 'I have a dream' speech as told by his sister, Christine King Farris. We performed text, created word clouds and wrote diary entries.
In Maths, we have finished up our unit on Addition and Subtraction and completed our KIRF 6 times tables assessment.
We also finished off our Marvellous Mountains and Raving Rivers topic this week.
It's time for a new KIRF! This coming term, we will be focusing on becoming fluent with the 9 and 11 times tables. Remember to learn both the multiplication and corresponding division facts.
Home Learning:
There is no homework set for this half term, but please continue reading and start working on your 9 and 11 times tables.