Weekly Update 27.1.23
Week 4
This week we have been learning how to divide two-digit and three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers. Next week we will be learning to measure in kilometres and metre and looking at perimeter. This term's KIRF focus is the 7 times table. The KIRF sheet is attached below.
This week we have written letters from Edward Tulane to Lawrence & Nellie focusing on expressing emotions and feelings in our writing. Next week we will continue to develop the idea of writing in role as we explore writing as other characters in the story.
This week we have continued exploring electricity. We learnt about how electricity is made in power stations and the common uses of electrical appliances in the home and began to explore how electrical circuits work by building our own circuits to light up bulbs. Next week we will continue to explore how electrical circuits work as we introduce switches.
Home Learning:
This week we have discussed the common uses of electrical appliances in the home. In particular, we discussed which appliances used mains power and which were powered by battery. For your home learning we would like you to imagine if there was a power cut for the whole weekend, which five mains-powered appliances would you switch to using battery power. Make sure you write your reason for choosing each appliance.
Reminder- If children wish to play on the field at break and lunchtime, they need to bring an old pair of shoes to leave in their locker please.