Year 5 Weekly News - Friday 14.10.2022

Homework Tasks:
Cross curricular homework due 19.10.22
Reading daily
TTRS daily
MyMaths and Spelling Shed due 21.10.22
Year 5 Weekly News 14.10.22
Key Messages:
- Reminder to ensure children are reading at home and bringing in their reading records.
- Please ensure children are wearing correct school uniform and shoes.
- Please ensure children are bringing in their water bottles.
- Tuesday 18th October is Year 5 DT day. Children will need to bring their extra ingredient(s) to add to their bread.
Home Learning:
Home Learning Task:
This week you made a salt dough animal that could join Bradley’s group. We would like you to write an adventure story for that animal. Challenge: can you link in with some of Bradley’s animals and write in the style of Louis Sachar? Homework is due on WEDNESDAY.
Minimum 3x a week. Reading record must be signed by an adult. Can be completed on your own or with your parents.
Spelling Shed:
Once a week – Friday to Friday.
Tasks will be completed online, with new tasks set every week.
Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.
Times Tables Rock Stars:
Minimum 3x a week.
Can be completed on tablets, laptops or mobile phones though the app or the website.
My Maths:
Once a week – Friday to Friday.
Tasks will be completed online, with new tasks set every week.
Tasks will always follow the subjects being taught in class that week.
This week children have been learning to write an internal monologue as the character Bradley, from the text ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’. We also looked at different ways to open our sentences, including: prepositions, similes and adverbs.
Next week, we will be debating a big issue from the book and writing a persuasive speech as a school governor.
This week in maths we have started our multiplication and division block. It included looking at multiples, factors and prime numbers. We began to look at square and cube numbers, which will also link into next week.
Next week, we will also be looking at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.
This week, we focused on art and DT. We made salt dough, which we sculpted into a variety of animals. We finished them off by painting them today and the children are very excited to take them home next week. On Wednesday, the children tasted a variety of breads in preparation for our DT day next Tuesday. The children have selected an extra ingredient or two that they would like to add to their bread - please send them in with it on Tuesday
Next week, we will be wrapping up our unit on Changes with bread making, tasting and evaluating.