Key messages and the week ahead

A fabulous first week in Year 6!
Key Messages:
- Please ensure children are wearing the correct school uniform (hair tied back)
- Please ensure all jewellery (except for one pair of studs) and nail polish are removed.
- Swimming for 6B and 6G is on Friday - please bring in swim kit. If a child can not take part for any reason, their teacher must be made aware of the reasons why.
- PE days are on a Wednesday - Please come in PE kits.
Our learning this week
This week we have looked at our Core Values and focused on PSHE where we looked at the impact of social media and the zones of regulation. We have been working together to create a class canvas on our Core Values which will be displayed around the school.
In English, we have been looking at climate change, and we have created a non-chronological report on the cause and effects.
In Maths, we have been exploring place value and using manipulatives to explain why some numbers are larger than others.
Lacey-May - 6B has been working incredibly hard in all lessons remaining focused and always showing our Core Values
Maggie- 6R has been a star this week showing resilience and determination in all lessons
Louis 6G- has shown resilience in abundance
Keyaan 6Y - Is adapting to year 6 well and trying hard.
Keep up the good work Year 6!