Swattenden Updates

This news item will be updated throughout the course of the week with news of the Swattenden trip attendees outdoor adventures. Please keep checking this link for updates or alternatively our Facebook & Twitter page will be updated too with all of the latest info! Texts and email updates will also be sent.
Swattenden Update 1 - Monday 1st June - 11:28 am: The children have arrived safely at the Swattenden Centre and they are currently enjoying a tour of the site. They will have some lunch shortly before participating in some orienteering activities.
Swattenden Update 2 - Monday 1st June - 17:27 pm: The children are having great fun enjoying various activities including bivouac, pond crossing, entrapment and the triangle swing! It rained a little earlier but has brightened up now!
Swattenden Update 3 - Tuesday 2nd June - 14:30 pm: The children have participated in outdoor orienteering activities today including a new crate stacker activity that the children have thoroughly enjoyed & the weather has been an added ingredient to the fun they've all had.
Mrs Ballen & Ms Barratt told the office they have had a change of job title, they are now laundry maids, because they've put done lots of washing & drying of soggy clothes over the course of the two days. The best news is that the ch...ildren had a really good first night last night too.
Weather permitting, the children will enjoy a camp fire and night walk tonight around the grounds of the Swattenden Centre. If the weather is too bad tonight they have a talent show and scrap heap challenge planned in place.
We are so pleased to hear the fun that the children are having - lets just hope that the weather gets better for them tomorrow.
Swattenden Update 4 - Wednesday 3rd June - 17:00 pm: The children have had a great time enjoying the sunny weather today. They have enjoyed a lovely woodland walk on route to the Cranbrook Museum and Windmill. The children have sketched various points of interest and visited the churchill culminating in a churchill quiz. The children are due to eat at 6 pm tonight before going off to enjoy a flag-raisers game.
We are really pleased the weather is better for them today! Not long now folks and they'll be back soon!!
Swattenden Update 5 - Thursday 4th June - 13:54 pm: The children are loving the weather. They are continuing with the wheelchair basketball, zip-line & crate building this afternoon. They are getting wet doing the swamp crossing but they are thoroughly enjoying this!!. Last night they did flag raisers which was loved by all.
Swattenden Update 6 - Friday 5th June - 14:36 pm: Last night the pupils participated in a fabulous beetle drive before having a good nights sleep. Today they have been enjoying their final activities, nothing is too wet or dirty though they did take shelter for a while in the dining hall due to the thunderstorm!! The children are really looking forward to coming home and seeing their families.The exhausted adventurers are due back between 4 & 4.30pm, we will of course keep you updated on this via text and Facebook.