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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Upper School Picnic

Please click this link to access information about our forthcoming Upper School picnic.

Upper School Summer Picnic  

We are super excited to announce our picnic dates happening next week:

Wednesday 24 June and Thursday 25 June at 12:15 pm

Please come along to the session most convenient for you!

If your child usually has a school dinner on that day they will be provided with a grab-bag lunch consisting of sausage and chips, carrot and cucumber bites followed by a biscuit.  If your child doesn’t have a school dinner please bring along enough food for you each to share!

Please bring along your picnic blanket, a hamper of food you’d like to eat and come along and enjoy the (we hope!!) sunny weather with your child!

On the day, we ask that you come to the school office first and we will take you to the hall to meet your child before being directed to the picnic area.

To come along, please complete and return the attached letter.

We look forward to seeing you for what should be a lovely picnic!

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393