Cygnet Programme Information Afternoon - Monday 9th July 2018

Cygnet Programme Information Afternoon - Monday 9th July
Cygnet Programme Information Afternoon
Monday 9th July 2018 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Greenbanks, Westfield Road, Margate
The Cygnet programme is designed for parents and carers of school age children and young people with autism. The programme is designed to: increase parents understanding of autistic spectrum conditions. help parents develop their knowledge on how a child with autism experiences the world and what drives their behaviour. guide parents through practical strategies they can use with children. direct parents to relevant resources. give parents the opportunity to meet with other parents who have had similar experiences and to gain support and learn from each other.
Parents and carers of school aged children diagnosed with Autism are invited to attend an information afternoon to be held at Greenbanks, Westfield Road, Garlinge, CT9 5PA between the hours of 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Monday 9th July 2018.
The session is an opportunity for parents and carers to find out more about the Cygnet programme, ask questions and meet with those who deliver the sessions.
If you would like to attend the information afternoon can you please contact Claire Grant, FFISS Administrator at or 01843 268997 as soon as possible to confirm your place(s). Please note that Claire’s working hours are between 9:15am and 12:15pm, term time; an answer phone service will be available outside of these hours.
The information day and places on the Cygnet programme will only be offered to families with children/ young people who attend a school in Thanet and who have a diagnosis of Autism. Please note that both the information session and the Cygnet programme are for adult attendees only and childcare should be arranged if you wish to attend.