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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Maths Workshop 2018

Maths workshop news......

Maths Workshop

We held two sessions between 1:30pm and 3:15pm

Context of the session: Mr Walker, our deputy head, has foolishly forgotten his 4-digit code to the padlock that unlocks his most important possessions needed for our colour run (which ran on Thursday 28th, 2 days later) and if he didn't open the chest to his belongings, the colour run would be ruined! Being an ex-codebreaker, he has a fail-safe set of puzzles that, when solved, would reveal the 4 digit code.

The parents were invited in alongside their children to take on these 5 puzzles in order to obtain the code and open Mr Walker's chest of important belongings.

Inside the chest was a variety of silly items and the event was finished with fun.

The overall purpose of the event was to demonstrate how maths can be fun and how maths at our school is rooted in problem solving - where children can apply the maths they are learning on a day to day basis. The secondary purpose was to explore how everyone can be learning through the same task, but it's about the additional challenges available that can keep even the brightest/fastest mathematicians fully engaged and challenged.

For the full story and more pictures, copy and paste the link below into your browser....


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Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393