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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Mrs McGinley's Farewell Picnic on Thursday 23rd July 2015

Please click this link to access final details about the forthcoming farewell picnic for the lovely Mrs McGinley on Thursday 23rd July starting promptly at 12 pm.

 Mrs McGinley’s Farewell Picnic

We are super excited to announce the details of Mrs McGinley’s farewell picnic happening this week:

Thursday 23rd July: 12—1:30pm

Mrs McGinley invites all parents/carers/grandparents to come along to mark the end of her lengthy career here at Upton in style!

If your child usually has a school dinner on that day they will be provided with a grab-bag lunch consisting of fish fingers and chips, carrot and cucumber bites followed by a biscuit.  If your child doesn’t have a school dinner please bring along enough food for you each to share!

Please bring along your picnic blanket, a hamper of food you’d like to eat and come along and enjoy the (we hope!!) sunny weather with your child!

On the day, we ask that you enter the field via the double gates by the mound at the lower carpark.  We ask that you arrive promptly at 12 pm.

Please bring along some sunshine!

We’re going to miss you Mrs McGinley!!





Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393