Year 3 to Visit Dover Museum!!

Year 3 pupils are to have a special trip to Dover Museum and the Bronze Age Boat in Dover to link into their topic covering The Stone Age and Bronze Age Eras. Please click this link for more information!
Year 3 pupils are to have a special trip to Dover Museum and the Bronze Age Boat in Dover to link into their topic covering The Stone Age and Bronze Age Eras. The children are looking forward to this exciting opportunity.
3B & 3R go on Wednesday 24th February and 3G & 3Y on Friday 26th February.
The cost for the trip is £11 payable by Friday 12th February please. Children will need to wear school uniform and can bring spending money if they like up to a maximum of £5. Please provide a packed lunch with enough to last them for what will be a long day.
Please ensure you complete the permission slip and return it with your payment.