Upton's EU Debate

Assembly this morning was an introduction to the children to the EU Debate.
The country decides...EU Referendum 2016...As the EU debate continues nationwide, we thought it only right the children of Upton have their say too. Today Monday 16th May we welcomed Mr Spiller (from simplepolitics.co.uk) to lead the school in a ‘child friendly’ assembly explaining both sides of the EU Debate. Upton will then hold its own ‘referendum’ to allow the children to voice their opinion and get involved.
Please don’t forget to ask your children all about the special assembly later over the dinner table – it is a great way to get the whole family involved in an issue that will have far reaching impact on us all.
It is not our place to influence your vote one way or another – however I do feel it is important that school raises awareness of the significance of the EU Referendum and encourage our children to ask questions. Whatever your political bias; our children are growing up in a country that celebrates free choice and democracy - and the referendum is a fine example of this. I am proud we have inquisitive minds at Upton, children who want to ask questions and seek to find out more about what is happening not only on their door step and in their community, but across the whole country.
Visit the Simple Politics website for further information: http://www.simplepolitics.co.uk/issues/should-we-leave-the-eu