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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Upton Cross Country Team - 8th October 2016

Come and join our Upton Cross Country Team!  This is one of most exciting and popular events in the school year for all our children. At the last event in February we had 265 Upton children entered - more than four times the entry of any other school. 

The race itself is not long: 1km for year 3 & 4; 1.5km for yours 5 & 6, and runners will finish in under 10 mins.  There are separate races for boys and girls in each year group.  There is a fantastic feeling of accomplishment for children when they finish the race, regardless of position, and the event is always really exciting to watch with parents and schools cheering on their children.  All runners receive a medal just for taking part.

To enter the event (and claim a free team t-shirt for first time runners) parents need to:

Return the attached form with £2 entry fee in a clearly marked and sealed envelope before the closing date of 22nd September (the sooner the better).

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393