Children at Upton Junior School in Broadstairs have been finding out more about the importance of protecting the environment
As part of the Year 6 topic The Changing World, pupils welcomed guest visitor Olly from climate change solutions specialists Ecologi that focuses on tree planting and reforestation.
They heard how to date his company has planted 50,000,000 trees and helped reduce 2 million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide through their work. He has worked with King Charles on the international COP26 event, helped create nearly 100 jobs and focused on making the world a better place.
The guest told how he had planted a tree for every single child in Year 6 during the course of his work. The children found the session inspiring and engaging especially as they heard first-hand how changes are being made to protect the environment.
The visit linked to pupils’ learning on how the world around us is changing, and it also tied in with their English text Floodland, a gripping award-winning fantasy novel by Marcus Sedgwick about a girl surviving in a devastated world where England is flooded by water.
As part of the Geography links to the topic, the children created globe balloons to showcase the continents, seas, equator and lines of longitude and latitude. They also researched the controversy surrounding global warming and Charles Darwin theories.
Another aspect of their global-themed learning saw them enjoy taking part in an international food day where they tasted treats from around the world. They also created tasty meals such as bean burgers, using kitchen facilities at the Royal Harbour Academy in Ramsgate, and welcomed parents in to try out their food.
Head of School Darci Arthur said: “Climate change, conservation and the environment are key aspects of our overall learning at Upton – the broad-balanced topic that Year 6 are enjoying gives them further chance to explore and understand more about these important themes.”
Upton Junior School is part of the Viking Academy Trust together with Ramsgate Arts Primary and Chilton Primary schools.