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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Parent Forms

This page is where you will find all the forms you can then complete and submit online.

Please click the buttons below to open the forms in a new tab.

Any issues or questions regarding the forms please contact the school office:


Administering Medicine Consent

Please note: It is the expectation that the first medication dose of the day is given at home with breakfast. This applies to ALL medicines.  Antibiotics that are to be administered 3 times a day should be adjusted around school hours.  Our staff will only administer one dose during the lunchtime period, and then any subsequent doses can be delivered at home after school. This is to ensure that administering medicines can be kept to a minimum during school time and cause as little disruption as possible to learning. Thank you for your support.

Pupil Injury/Mobility Risk Assessment




Separated Parent Form

Parents can give written permission for their children to leave school unaccompanied by an adult by filling in the form below. There are two types of pupil pass:

  • A green pass gives permission for your child to leave the classroom to wait at the school gates for a parent / carer to collect. These are monitored by SLT daily. All pupils can be granted a green pass.

  • A red pass gives permission for children to walk from school unaccompanied. These are only applicable for pupils in years 5 and 6.

Red and green passes also apply to after school clubs held directly after school, but not to the paid After School Club.


Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393