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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 6 Weekly News 10.1.25

This week in Year 6...

This week has been buzzing with excitement as Year 6 engaged in a variety of enriching activities and proved to be amazing ambassadors, interacting with Upton’s visitors.

The week started with a Professional Development Day focused on STEM careers. The students had the fantastic opportunity to listen to a series of inspiring talks from professionals currently working in the STEM sector, including a medical statistician and aerospace engineer.  They were able to learn about the vast range of career paths available and the importance of pursuing interests in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. As always, the Year 6 children were thoroughly engaged; our visitors complimented their range of inquisitive questions.


Upcoming Reading Engage Session

You are warmly invited to join your child in class to read on Thursday 30th January at 2:40pm.  


In English, we began reading our new book, Skellig, and the students wrote imaginative setting descriptions.

Next week, we will work towards writing a dream sequence based on events in the text.   


In maths, we kicked off our unit on percentages, diving into their relationships with fractions and decimals. 

Next week, we’ll continue to work on percentages, including finding percentages of amounts, before turning our attention to decimals and measures.  

Thematic Curriculum

In Science, students had a hands-on experience while creating their own ‘blood in a bottle’ models! This activity allowed them to explore and demonstrate the different components of blood and their functions creatively.

Next week we will explore the anatomy of the human heart as the children will have the opportunity to watch the dissection of a pig and an ox's heart. 


- Please read with your child at least 3 times a week.

- Children should be playing TTRS at least 3 times a week to build their confidence and fluency with times table knowledge.

- Most children have now taken their Term 3 AR Star Reader assessment and their ZPD can be found on their AR account. They will also receive a sticker next week to help them identify the correct books for their reading level. Once your child has read their book, they will need to complete a quiz on it before getting a new one. These quizzes can be done either in school or at home on Accelerated Reader using the log-in codes found in their reading records.

Welcome ( 

- Mathletics homework has also been set for the children to complete by next Friday.

-New for this year: Sir Linkalot

Access details:

To access it on a laptop, PC, Mac or Chromebook:

1. Type in the browser itself where you normally type www (not a search engine) (with no Ws before it)
2. Click on 'More' (top right)
3. Click on 'Sign in'
4. The access code is UJS2024

Have a great weekend!

The Year 6 team


Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393