Upton Is Simply OUTSTANDING - Ofsted

Upton Junior School in Broadstairs is an ‘outstanding’ centre of learning.
Ofsted awarded it the top rating in all four categories inspected during a two-day visit in early January.
They are quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management.
Head of School Darci Arthur is delighted. She said: “To achieve top grades in all areas of the inspection reinforces our core belief in providing a five star educational experience for every child of every age of every ability.
“Congratulations go to every pupil, family, staff member, governor and those in the wider community who support Upton and share in our excellent learning journey every day.”
To commemorate the achievement pupils became part of a celebration aerial photo, spelling out the word ‘outstanding’ from above the school field pictured by a drone camera.
Michaela Lewis, Executive Head Teacher of Viking Academy Trust that also includes Chilton Primary and Ramsgate Arts Primary said: “I am extremely proud that the inspectors recognised the exceptional quality that Upton provides for all children.
“This is made possible by the dedication and commitment of staff and governors at Upton and at the Viking Academy Trust who ensure that the level of education is constantly evolving to maintain the highest standards in all aspects of the school community at Upton and across the Trust.
“Upton maximises such a varied and wide range of experiences that make learning a real joy - pupils achieve exceptionally well and are proud to be part of the Upton and Viking family. Children are at the heart of everything we do at our schools that provide a solid foundation for a first class educational experience.”
The inspectors found that “pupils flourish at this warm and caring school. They strive to meet the high aspirations that staff hold for them. They achieve very well and learn the important skills and knowledge they need.”
Pupil conduct is ‘excellent’ with ‘high levels of courtesy and respect to all’ and they ‘love learning and work hard in lessons’. Ofsted says that staff have ‘warm and nurturing relationships with pupils’ who are ‘happy and safe in school’.
Upton’s priority for pupils’ mental health and well-being is celebrated in the report that adds: “All pupils have access to calm spaces or strategies to help them regulate their emotions effectively. Pupils value these and use them appropriately.”
Upton’s ‘very ambitious curriculum that meets the needs of all’ is another highlight, while teachers are praised as ‘experts in their subjects’ that ‘helps them explain learning exceptionally well and check pupils’ understanding rigorously’.
A love of reading is ‘a golden thread’ that enables children to achieve well with expert staff teaching phonics to those need additional help, ensuring all pupils leave Upton as very confident and fluent readers.
Praise for subject delivery across the board and for extra curricular activities are also highlighted by Ofsted that concluded: “Pupils’ personal development is at the heart of the school’s excellent work” that “extends far beyond the classroom.”
Skilled governors and trustees ‘ensure they offer high levels of challenge and support’, while staff are “exceptionally proud of working at the school and feel that leaders ensure they are well trained and cared for.”
A full version of the Ofsted report can be found on the school website – www.uptonjunior.com.
Upton Junior School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Chilton Primary School and Ramsgate Arts Primary School.
*For more information contact Head of School Darci Arthur on 01843 861393.