10.01.25 Year 3 Weekly News!

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year and welcome back to all of our families! We hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas holiday, making lots of treasured memories with families and friends; it has been wonderful hearing the stories from the children since returning to school. Despite only being back a week, the children in Year 3 have fully immersed themselves into their learning, and have been hard at work, undertaking an array of exciting and engaging activities.
Personal Development
This week, we have been exploring Personal Development, and as such, learning has focused on PSHE and well-being. The week began with the children discussing the key question: Does money make the world go round?
We began the week with a STEM focused PD day. As part of the day, we spoke to a range of people who have or had a career in a STEM area. After listening, we asked questions to learn more and took notes too!
Children have also learnt:
Where money comes from
Ways to pay for things
Why people might borrow money
About the importance of saving money
How to stay safe online using ‘SMART’
In Maths this week, children have been exploring how to subtract a three digit number from a three-digit number using regrouping. The children have undertaken a range of activities using a range of tools to develop their conceptual understanding of column subtraction.
Next week, we will be moving onto a new topic in Maths, where we will be learning about length and perimeter.
The children have been further developing their understanding of non-fiction texts and have been preparing to write a fact file on Tortoises, which is linked to this term’s core text: 'Esio Trot’. Children have spent time researching key facts about tortoises, which they then recorded as notes using bullet points. Through their learning, children have explored language and layout features, which they will then apply to their writing, next week.
Next week, children will be using their notes to write their fact file and will move onto reading the first part of our core text.
A new year brings about a flurry of resolutions, which hopefully, will result in us becoming better people, or simply healthier or fitter. For us as a school, the focus this term will be to continue our endeavour to inspire children’s love of reading. We want children to become imaginative and articulate individuals, with an expansive understanding of the world, developed through a passion for reading. Therefore, our expectation of children, is to read as much and as often as possible.
This week, children have taken their Star Reader Assessment and from Monday, will be issued with their adjusted ZPD code, which will be stuck into their reading records. With this in mind, please could we ask that all children bring their reading records into school on Monday. Children are reminded to bring their reading records in, when they have read- we expect children to read at least, three times a week.
Parents are invited into school on Thursday 16th January, at 2:40pm to read with their children. The school day finishes at the usual time of 3pm.
Home Learning
Attached below is the overarching Thematic Curriculum homework ideas. Please refer to the homework menu which gives a variety of creative tasks for the children to choose from. Children only need to complete one task as a minimum, but can choose to complete more if they wish. Homework is due in on Friday 14th February.
To support children with their spellings, we would like children to practise ‘Level 2- BLUE BLYTON Bundle’
To access it on a laptop, PC, Mac or Chromebook (therefore IWBs):
1. Type in the browser itself where you normally type www (not a search engine)...app.sirlinkalot.org (with no Ws before it)
2. Click on 'More' (top right)
3. Click on 'Sign in'
4. The children will then need to type in their access code
Times Tables Rock Stars
Tasks to be completed online.
Children’s logins are stuck in their Reading journal.
Mathletics tasks will be set from Friday to Friday.
Tasks will always follow the learning that week.
Children’s logins are stuck into their Reading journal.
Reminder to ensure:
Children are wearing correct school uniform and shoes.
Children are bringing in their water bottles.
Coats are being worn to school.
Children to bring in healthy snacks for breaktimes.
3B and 3G will have their swimming sessions on Mondays. Children will need to come dressed in their PE kit to school on this day, and bring with them their swimming costumes to change into.
Swimming kit reminder: full swimming costume/swim shorts and swimming hat.